Benefits of Walnut for children

Children will pass to use three types of foods are crushed food, liquid food and solid food. However, it’s difficult for parents to choose the food which is the most suitable for children, because children’s digestive system is not yet complete so it can’t absorb some types of food. It’s said that walnut is dried nutrition food should be provide to infant’s weaning diet because which contains some nutrients are good for infant’s development.

Should infant eat walnut?

Do you know Canada removed cow milk out of daily diet of consumer? It’s to popular to promote industrial products and the important of cow milk but people forgot to drink industrial drinking causes latent diseases, puberty early, aging is early…

Since I have baby, I always prioritize natural food, I think people should to use natural food for healthier and industrial foods should be limited because these modern products aren’t good for us.

Cancer patients have continuously increased so people have to consider many reasons of this status as how does society operate, air pollution, water pollution and especially dirty food. Because I know the important of food, I never bring cow milk to my children’s diet. Beside breast milk, fresh milk, cow milk is only used for fun with my children. To instead of cow milk, I often make nuts milk by myself or roast whole grain for my children to eat as a snack to provide naturally nutrition for them. Nutritious nut plays an important role to make a delicious cup of milk or good diet to replace cow milk.

Specific, according Canadian food instruction, there have 3 food group includes vegetable, fruit, whole grain and full of protein food. In all of them, removing meat group (and meat products) and milk (with dairy products). Simultaneously, the instruction also removes the suggestion adult and children consume 2 from 3 meat ration and milk ration everyday.

Removing meat and milk is agreed by vegetarian and vegan, include Dr. David Jenkins President of Canada Nutrition and Metabolic Research, and he is a professor in Toronto University.  Dr. Jenkins created Glycemic index in 1980s and he conform vegetable diet because of environment.

Doctor said:
“I think that instruction tends to on vegetable which will create controversy but I think which is necessary”. Dr. Jenkins said. Professor of Toronto University also share we confused put cow milk and breast milk together and we confused its importance to health.

You should choose for your child some food suitable for age. It’s difficult that if your child doesn’t teethe you can’t change their diet. With walnut, doctors suggest for children eat when they are less than 1 year and when you can spin walnut with some others kind of vegetable for them to weaning to provide nutrition and promote comprehensive development. You should refer doctor about child’s food content because at the age of 1 year child’s body is very sensitive with food content.

Nutrition content in 100 gram walnut

Ingredient Ratio Ingredient Ratio
Water 4g Energy 654kcal
Protein 15,2g Total lipid 65,2g
Carbohydrate 13,7g Fiber 6,7g
Sugar 2,6g Calcium 98mg
Iron 2,9mg Magnesium 158mg
Phosphorus 346mg Kali 441mg
Sodium 2mg Zinc 3mg
Vitamin C 1,3mg Thiamin 0,34mg
Niacin 1,12mg

If providing walnut to child’s diet is good for health

Walnut has many kinds of nutrients

1. Providing full source of energy

Babies need to a lot of energy because their bodies are quickly growing, this process need to use a lot of energy. Walnut has a lot of energy which can be maintained for a long time and very useful for baby’s development.

2. Source of diversity mineral

Many kinds of mineral are found in walnut is essential for baby’s development. The development of bones and teeth are improved by magnesium and calcium. Iron is used to produce hemoglobin. Electrolyte balance is maintained suitably with kali and sodium. Digestion, repairing cells and creating protein are promoted by phosphorus.

3. Walnut contains a lot of essential vitamin

All vitamins in walnut are A, C, E, K effect directly to baby’s development. Building strong immune system, supporting to convert glucose to glycogen and promoting metabolic activity are done by vitamins.

4. Helping babies has deep and nice sleeping

Besides some nutrients, melatonin is contained in walnut. That hormone is important to make babies feel sleep and manage function of body while sleeping. Sleeping is necessary for babies because almost the growth of them is happened while they are in deep sleeping.

5. Keeping baby’s weight

Some first time of the life, baby easily is weight gain and obesity. Walnut helps to weight loss and keep fit well which supports infants to have good health and prevent problem from health.

Some formula to process walnut for babies

1. Butter walnut


  • Kernel walnut
  • Coconut oil

How to do:

  • Spin kernel walnut for 10 to 15 minutes until having a mixture smooth and soft.
  • Storing mixture in the refrigerator for using.

2. Walnut mixes banana


  • Rape banana
  • Kernel walnut
  • Honey
  • Ice

How to do:

Spin rape banana, kernel walnut and ice with blender until the mixture is puree. Decant to cup then spread honey on and enjoy it.

Notes to use walnut for babies

  • Babies over 1 year can use walnut but babies is under 1 year shouldn’t use walnut because they can’t absorb it.
  • Should to have suitable diet, shouldn’t feed to babies eat too much walnut.
  • Ask doctor if your babies have a history of allergy.


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